Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Thrill of the Hunt - by Awnhel the Cat (Ms Radko's Cousin)

It's really tough being in a family of three cats...you always have to be on your guard to make sure you are getting your share of the attention. Mostly I let Squeeky and Mew have their own way, but sometimes I get really fed up with those two. Take Squeeky....she can get really bossy when she wants her own way. And Mew....he's so chubby when he rolls over on his back he needs help getting turned over again! Sqeeky acts like she was here first, but she came after I took up residence...she was a stray that my mom felt sorry for and took in. Mew is another one...a stray that took advantage of mom's soft heart.
Anyway, I'll let them tell you stories another time...this spot is mine tonite!
It was really the thrill of the hunt last nite...I could hear the pitter patter of those tiny feet in the hallway.....I sneaked up.....and POUNCED! Let out a big growl (try THAT with a mouse in your mouth!) and headed to mom's room with my prize....all the while Sneeky and Mew were at the other end of the hallway just watching the action. You'd think they never saw a mouse before in their life!
Mom was upset with us last nite, can't understand why because we are always so loveable. She threatened to throw us all out, so I thought I'd better prove how much she needs me around by catching that silly little mouse.
Squeeky and Mew can worry about their own futures...I have enough work earning my own keep. But did mom appreciate it? NAAAHHHHHHH!
I was going to take the mouse to mom, but remembered how much she dislikes surprises...she heard all the growling and awoke anyway. She didn't appreciate the mouse at all....after all that work, would you believe she just flushed it down the toilet? The NERVE!!! I thought for SURE she would have it mounted and put on the bookcase. Or at least the head like hunters do with the deer they get..... Oh well.

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